Yep. So I said that I'd be done making long flash animations after the first Redshirts? well, this one turns out is 3 minutes longer. or 4. One of those... and due to size constraints is too big to upload here on NG. I'll try to figure something out, but for now you'll just have to visit DA to see it.
Also, found a shitty looking steam game called "Redshirts" or something. Got pissed. Punched a kitten. Still pissed. Although I still beat them to the idea! so i did it first!
These file size constraints are really preventing Newgrounds from being a modern website. We just finally got image file sizes above 200KB. We should have got that years ago.
Hopefully the Newspost GUI change is signalling a bigger change on NG.
Its retarded. when did they add the constraints? I know for a fact theres some long ass animations up here.. (like afrca dudes, yes i remember it)